In a historic move, the Punjab government has designated Amara Athar, a BS-19 police officer, as the Chief Traffic Officer (CTO) of Lahore. This marks a significant milestone as she becomes the first woman police officer to hold the pivotal role of managing traffic control in the provincial capital.
Notably, Amara Athar is the fourth woman police officer to be stationed in Lahore, reflecting the strategic approach of Punjab Inspector General of Police (IGP) Dr Usman Anwar. Driven by a commitment to break the long-standing tradition of male-dominated policing in the province, the IGP has prioritized female officers for field assignments.
Amara Athar takes over from the retired Capt Mustansar Feroz, who served as Lahore CTO for the past year. Despite numerous male contenders for the prestigious position within the Lahore traffic police, the IGP’s choice of a woman officer underscores a shift in the paradigm. This decision seems to be influenced by the exceptional performance of another female officer, Aysha Butt, who previously held the position of Gujranwala CTO.