Nike recently released another advert starring Deepika Padukone, celebrated Indian actor with a rich history of sports and a score of inspirational Indian female athletes.
The video has gripped the world and has reached over 3 million views already. The video shows all the female athletes on the city streets, training and working hard with an attitude unparalleled. Deepika is show‘DA DA DING – DEEPIKA AND THE GIRLS AMAZE EVERYBODY IN THE NEW NIKE ADVERT’
n playing badminton that she used to play on a National level before she entered the field of acting and became a part of the highest grossing films of Bollywood.
Deepika termed sports a saviour for when she fell in the throes of depression.
“Sport has taught me how to survive! It has taught me how to fight! It has made me unstoppable!”
This video has depicted an array of great messages. The girls fearlessly working out and playing on the street boosts the idea of ‘women loitering’. Women want to move around the city without being restricted and these girls showed their desire to break cultural barriers.
The athletes are all females, playing various sports which is a massive encouragement to women who want to or already play sports. Girls are performing astoundingly well all over the world and this has to be appreciated. This video subtly countered the misogynist views of how women shouldn’t be allowed to play. So gear up girls and score!
Deepika also was brave enough to shed light on her mental anguish and gave a beneficial advice of sports being therapeutic at times.
All we can say is: YOU GIRLS SLAY!