The talented Academy and Emmy awards winner from Pakistan, Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy, is once again in the race to receive an Oscar. Sharmeen has received the official Certificate of Nomination for Award at the 88th Academy Award Nominees Luncheon. Her new documentary titled, “A Girl in The River – The Price of Forgiveness”, has been nominated for Best Documentary category.
‘A Girl in The River – The Price of Forgiveness’, is one of the only five documentaries worldwide to be nominated for “Best Documentary – Short Subject” category.
Sharmeen Obaid-Chinoy has already received an Oscar for best documentary Saving Face in 2012 which made her the first Pakistani to win an Academy Award.
She also won an Emmy award for the same documentary while her first Emmy award was two years earlier in 2010 for documentary, Pakistan’s Taliban Generation.
The new documentary is produced by Tina Brown and Sheila Nevins in collaboration with HBO Documentary Films. It has been well received by critics and has earned widespread critical acclaim. The documentary is set to premier on HBO this year.
Sharmeen is an outspoken journalist and civil rights activist from Pakistan who has a strong opinion on issues such as gender equality, acid burns, honor killing, and extremism.
“A Girl in The River – The Price of Forgiveness“, touches upon a sensitive issue honor killing in Pakistan. More than 1000 women are killed in the name of honor killing in Pakistan each year. The documentary tells the story of a rare survivor who falls in love and lives to tell the tale.
(Courtesy by voice of journalists)